Friday, 28 September 2018

week 8 follow up

this is my week 8 follow about  how Maori people went to war

dawn raid

this is my scene from a dawn raid. we read a book about dawn raids and this was one of the activitys.
i hope you like it

Friday, 21 September 2018

week nine follow up

hi there, 
this is my week nine follow up. we read about jelly fish and there was a lot i didn't know!
hope you like it
Image result for pokemon

Friday, 14 September 2018

Moment in time

hi there. this is my moment in time writing. we had a photo and we had to use our senses to write 4 to 6 sentences

Friday, 7 September 2018

the box game

hi there, do you know how to play the box game? if you don't then i'm going to teach youImage result for 4 by 4 dot grid you need a 4 by 4 grid  like the on the left and a pen. also a buddy. you can join to dots at a time and you need to make as many squares as possible. you alternate between each other. taking turns. the one who CLOSES the box gets the point then they get to have another turn. and that's how you play the box game!Related image