Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Writing plan

Hey bloggers, This is my writing plan for my mum. it was fun to make and fun to choose the background. If you would like to see the story go to click on the word click
Hope you like it!

Monday, 23 September 2019


Hey bloggers, It's me. This is the story that I wrote on my mum's life. Hope you enjoy it!

Slowly, I walk to the door of the massive school. Nervously, Definitely. My first day of physio school. Anxiously I open the door and walk in. Suddenly a student is welcoming me and taking me to the office to get checked of and told where all my classes are. 5 minutes later i'm sitting on a rock hard chair in class 2B reading a MASSIVE text book on physio. A minute later the teacher is calling us all to attention. "we are going to watch a movie on physio" She announces. By the end of the day I'm exhausted but happy. I'm on my way to being a physio and helping people. One day down about 3000 to go. Happily, I bounce my way home. When I get there my mum asked "How was school?"


Hey bloggers, It's me.
This is my genily on my mum and why she is a hero. It was fun to choose the images and I hope you like it!

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Film Festival😎😎

Hey bloggers,
It's me. Recently we have been doing filming in class. The theme is our heros. This is our film, Hope you like it!

Said is dead

Insert words that show emotion. Do not use the word said

"It's wonderful!" Exclaimed  Franny.
“Stop that!” Rowena hissed.
“Did I upset her in some way?” wondered Lucas.
“It’s your fault” decided Mason
“We need to get out of here quickly,” Finley yelled looking over her shoulder
“I like that!” sang Sarah
“Give that back to me now!” Ava yelled full of hostility
“I don’t want to go in there” Whimpered Saana
“SIT DOWN!” Mrs O’Shea commanded
“Can I please borrow a pen?” Kody inquiried
“Hey! Come over here!” Rutva yelled over the howling wind
“What shall we do now?” Tamati demanded
“I’m sorry” Marley shrieked
“Has anybody seen my lunchbox?” asked James
“Watch out!” Ariella-Brooke warned
“Oh, you gave me a fright!” Zac whispered, terrified
“Let’s go this way then Mrs O’Shea might not see us” Matilda hissed
“I can’t believe it!” Mansour shrieked

Monday, 16 September 2019

Fact File- Mum

Hi bloggers, It's me (again)
This is a fact file on my mum. It was fun to make and interesting to find out new things about her. Hope you like it!

Friday, 13 September 2019


This is the storyboard of my mum's life. Hope you like it!

Friday, 6 September 2019

Word Art

Hey Bloggers,
This is my Word art. For this round of everyday heroes I'm doing my mum because she is a hero. I hope you like it