Friday 28 June 2019


This is my matariki slide. It was kinda hard because I didn't have as much time as I would have liked. Did you know that one of the best foods to harvest at that time of year is seafood?  Anyways I hope you like it!

Tuesday 25 June 2019


This is my writing and a image I made on google drawings
1. We slowly rowed toward the sandy bay of a huge deserted island.
2. We gasped at the beauty of the  lime green trees and the golden sand of the beach
3. I was eager to get off the boat and feel the sand in between my toes

As we speed toward the island I hear a strange noise coming from the engine on our boat. “What’s that noise?” I inquire. Nobody answers. Then there's a bang from the engine and the boat is rapidly losing speed. Everyone’s screaming as water slowly rises in the boat tingling our toes with the cold.  Suddenly we’re moving again. Dad’s patched the hole and is rowing me and my brothers to shore. When we arrive we gasp. The island is huge and beautiful, with lime green trees and golden sand. The trees have coconuts, mangos and bananas. There are plenty of fallen down trees for making huts. I step out of the boat and feel the warm golden sand in between my toes. I walk towards the shade of the fruit trees. I can hear my brother saying too my dad “I told you not to go fishing. But nooo we had to go fishing and now we're stuck on this island” I he moans